UERA members' projects

Ukrainian researchers on the frontier of empires: a study of the decolonisation of Ukrainian historical science in the independence period


Project title: Ukrainian researchers on the frontier of empires: a study of the decolonisation of Ukrainian historical science in the independence period

Project coordinator/s:  Ielyzaveta Shchepetylnykova

Project goal: To study approaches to knowledge production and communication among prominent Ukrainian intellectuals in history conducting research after 1991 in the context of scholarly reenvisioning of Russian imperial and Soviet legacy in the Ukrainian higher education and research.

Project duration:  01.12.2022 – 01.12.2023 

Project results with links

1. The article has been submitted for peer-review to the Studies in Comparative Education journal on November 15, 2023. 

2.Analytical material based on the project results was published in the Mirror of the Week publication
(available at the link).
3.A presentation of the research results was conducted on December 1, 2023, at the Association for Slavic, East
European & Eurasian Studies conference (Philadelphia, USA). A photo from the conference is available at the link.
4. The recording of the lecture on the research results conducted on November 6, 2023, at Roger Williams University (USA) is available at the link.
5. The material was submitted for publication in the blog of the European Association of Education Researchers. It is awaiting review and publication.

Категорія проекту

Sustainable University: Model of Development in the Post-war Period


Project title: Sustainable University: Model of Development in the Post-war Period

Project coordinator/s:  Nataliia Kholiavko

Project goal: To study the theoretical and applied principles of sustainable development of EU higher education institutions for the formation of a conceptual model of the development of Ukrainian universities in the post-war period

Project duration:  01.12.2022 – 01.12.2023 

Project results: Article in the Ukrainian scientific journal:

Діденко І.О., Холявко Н.ІТеоретичні аспекти сталого розвитку закладів вищої освіти УкраїниДержава та регіониСеріяЕкономіка та підприємництво, 2023 р., № 1 (127). С. 98-102. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32782/1814-1161/2023-1-14



 Article in the European scientific journal (Republic of Latvia):

Kholiavko, N., & Didenko, I. (2023) World Experience of University Sustainable Development.  Economics & Education, 8(1), 89-104. https://doi.org/10.30525/2500-946X/2023-1-12



·       28.04.2023

Холявко Н.І., Діденко ІСталий розвиток університетівєвропейські кейсиНаука і освіта України в умовах російсько-української війни: виклики та завдання  в контексті  національної  безпеки.  Том І / [Ред.: В. Ільницький,  М. Галів]. Київ – Дрогобич – Львів – Переяслав – Ужгород – Запоріжжя: Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2023. - С. 156-159.


Холявко Н., Діденко І. Моделі сталого розвитку університетів. Стійкість освіти і науки в умовах трансформації: матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції до 30-річчя створення Закладу вищої освіти «Міжнародний науково-технічний університет імені академіка Юрія Бугая», м. Київ, 23–24 трав. 2023 р. : [збтез]. Київ : [ЗВО «МНТУ»], 2023. - С. 64-67.

     29.06.2023 (UERA conference)


Links on the information about the project (official websites of University and departments, and social media):








Категорія проекту

Professional development of teachers: involvement and research of new practices


Project title: Professional development of teachers: involvement and research of new practices

Project coordinator/s:  Yevhen Plotnikov

Project goal: The project goal is twofold:

  1. Firstly, the project aims at changing the Soviet-era tradition of formal in-service teacher training conducted by the state designated institutions, introducing of the idea of informal teachers’ continuous professional development (CPD) through research, collaboration with colleagues on the local level and non-formal on-demand training provided as the result of “university-secondary school” partnership.
  2. Secondly, the project aims at researching the efficiency of the non-formal CPD activities and schemes suggested above.

Project duration:  01.12.2022 – 01.12.2023 

Project results:

1) Programme and photos/videos of the informal CPD workshop

2) Methodological guidelines for CPD for non-formal teachers.

3) Description of the research methodology with the content of the questionnaires.

4) Research report with analysis of its results and recommendations.

Категорія проекту

European Research Area as a Guideline for the Development of Pedagogical Science in Ukraine: Information Hub of the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine


Project title: European Research Area as a Guideline for the Development of Pedagogical Science in Ukraine: Information Hub of the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

Project coordinator/s:  Olena Lokshyna

Project goal: To promote the further integration of Ukrainian education and pedagogy into the European research space.

Project duration:  01.12.2022 – 01.12.2023 

Project results:

1. Information platform "European Research Area as a Guideline for the Development of Educational Sciences in Ukraine: Information Hub of the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine" http://surl.li/nziyz  

2. Newsletters (12 issues) http://surl.li/nzjcm 

3. Abstracts of the VII International Scientific Conference "Comparative and International Education - 2023: Horizons of Innovation" http://surl.li/nzjio

4. Abstracts of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Development of Professional Skills of a Teacher in the New Socio-Cultural Reality" http://surl.li/nzjkk 

5. Article in the popular science publication "Project "European Research Area as a Guideline for the Development of Pedagogical Science in Ukraine: Information Hub of the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine" http://surl.li/nzjmk 

6. Article in a scientific professional publication of category "B"

7. European Research Area: Achievements and Prospects [Electronic Edition] : a review publication / Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine ; Oleh Topuzov, Olena Lokshyna, Alina Dzhurylo, Oksana Shparyk ; edited by Oleh Topuzov and Olena Lokshyna. - Kyiv, 2023. - 44 p. http://surl.li/nzjdf 

Категорія проекту

Formation of transversal competences of higher education students of the third (educational and scientific) level in the context of the development of an innovative educational environment by means of distance learning


Project title: Formation of transversal competences of higher education students of the third (educational and scientific) level in the context of the development of an innovative educational environment by means of distance learning

Project coordinator/s:  Maryna Boichenko

Project goal: To design methodology for forming transversal competences of post-graduate students for developing an innovative educational environment by means of distance learning

Project duration:  01.12.2022 – 01.12.2023 

Project results:

1. The methodology of formation of transversal competences of postgraduate students has been developed and
theoretically substantiated.
2. A diagnostic toolkit was developed – questionnaires using Google forms:
3. Diagnostics of the formation of transversal competences was conducted, which involved 130 students of the third level of education of all courses and all specialties who study at Sumy Makarenko State Pedagogical University.

4. Two scientific schools for postgraduate students were held.
5. A scientific conference was held.
6. A briefing was held with postgraduate students based on the results of the project.


Категорія проекту

Organisation of an accessible educational environment for internally displaced persons under martial law in Ukraine


Project title: Organisation of an accessible educational environment for internally displaced persons under martial law in Ukraine

Project coordinator/s:  Oleksiy Karamanov

Project goal: To study the process of organizing an accessible educational environment for internally displaced schoolchildren during the martial law in Ukraine and propose recommendations based on the results of the survey and best practice analysis. 

Project duration:  01.01.2023 – 01.06.2023 

Project results:

1) Meeting of the project team on the research methodology and questionnaire developing


2) Questionnaires for internally displaced schoolchildren https://forms.gle/oiVPSvLysZkqtf1y6 and teachers https://forms.gle/Hvxe35bNwaW69hdNA

 3) Publication based on the results of the literature review

Bilyakovska, O., Horuk, N., & Karamanov, O. (2023). Educational environment: accessibility and safety. Studies in Comparative Education, (2).


4) Round table “Schoolchildren’s educational environment: accessibility and safety in times of war”. Call for participation:



5) Release on the results of the round table “Educational environment of the schoolchildren: accessibility and safety times of war ” on Lviv University portal


6) Call for proposals and participation in the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “Organizing accessible educational environment for the schoolchildren: best practices in times of war”


7) Conference press-release:


8) Results of the students’ questionnaire and proposed recommendations for the organization of the accessible educational environment presented in the article: Bilyakovska, O., Horuk, N., & Karamanov, O. (2023). Ensuring the accessible educational environment under martial law: results of the survey. Studies in Comparative Education. 

Категорія проекту

Information hygiene as a component of the formation of a safe educational environment at school


Project title: Information hygiene as a component of the formation of a safe educational environment at school

Project coordinator/s:  Taisiia Ratushna

Project goal: To implement information hygiene practices (tools and methods for enhancing critical thinking, conscious consumption of media materials, and verification of information) in the educational process in schools to ensure a safe educational environment.

Project duration:  01.01.2023 – 30.06.2023 

The group project "Information Hygiene as Formation Component of Safe Educational Environment in School" was implemented by members of the Association, Associate Professors of the Zaporizhzhia National University Taisia Ratushna, Yulia Pryimak and Oleksandra Sorokina.

At the project's first milestone, the research team conducted a two-part sociological survey that combined qualitative and quantitative sociological data collection strategies. At the first stage, two series of expert interviews with teachers of secondary schools in the city of Zaporizhzhia were conducted (23 interviews). At the second stage, an expert online survey (February 2023) participated 68 teachers of secondary schools of the city of Zaporizhzhia and the Zaporizhzhia region.

The data obtained helped the researchers: 1) to find out the attitude of teachers toward the benefits and challenges of distance learning based on their subjective vision of the situation and personal experience; 2) to identify the main challenges teachers face during distance learning; 3) to identify the needs of teachers in mastering digital and media skills; 4) to analyze the practices of creating a comfortable and safe educational environment in schools.

Based on the results of the sociological research, team created informational materials for teachers: a training program and a poster for distribution in schools and social media.

With the aim of sharing information about the research results in the academic environment, project participant Taisia Ratushna published two scientific articles. The article "Distance Learning and Safety of the Educational Environment: Teachers' Point of View" was published in the first issue of the Meeting New Challenges in Education working paper series at Nottingham Trent University (UK) in May 2023. The article "Educational Environment of Distance Learning: the Role of Media Literacy and Digital Skills of Teachers" was published in the Ukrainian professional magazine "Habitus" in June 2023.

As element of the project implementation, on June 19 and 20, 2023, Yulia Pryimak and Oleksandra Sorokina held two training sessions with teachers of secondary schools in the city of Zaporizhzhia: Zaporizhzhia Gymnasium №103, Zaporizhzhia Gymnasium №49, Zaporizhzhia Gymnasium №80, Zaporizhzhia Gymnasium №27. The meeting focused on media literacy, critical thinking, and security in the information environment. In particular, attention was paid to the issue of confidentiality in the information space, safety, avoiding cyberbullying and the role of teacher in this process.

The project team has also prepared a publication for the European Educational Research Association blog and presented a report at the Annual Conference of the UERA on June 29, 2023.

Project results:

1. Report on the results of a sociological survey (presentation). 


2. Training program "The role of information hygiene in creating a safe educational environment at school" for schoolteachers. 


3. Photo and video materials confirming the training. 


4. Links to publications about the project on social media.


5. A scientific article in a professional journal based on the survey. 

1. Ратушна Т. О. Освітнє середовище дистанційного навчання: роль медіаграмотності та цифрових навичок вчителів. Науковий журнал «Габітус». 2023. № Випуск 48. C. 37-42. URL: http://habitus.od.ua/journals/2023/48-2023/6.pdf.

2. Ratushna T. Distance Learning and Safety of the Educational Environment: Teachers' Point of View. Working Paper Series ‘Meeting New Challenges in Education’ (MNCE). Nottingham Trent University. Issue 1, May 2023. P. 22-27. URL : https://www.ntu.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0018/2022066/Issue-1.pdf.

6. Poster layout on the project topic. 


7. Material published in the blog of the European Association of Educational Researchers 


8. Project implementation report.


- Publication during the project implementation on the UAEA website (in Ukrainian and English + relevant images/photos)


Категорія проекту

Promoting the development of empirical academic research in Ukraine


Project title: Promoting the development of empirical academic research in Ukraine

Project coordinator/s:  Iryna Kostetska

Project goal: To promote best practices in the organisation of research with data (for all branches of science), thus contributing to the achievement of the goal of the Ukrainian Educational Research Association (UERA) to improve the quality of empirical research in Ukraine (including in the field of education). The combination of representatives of various universities and branches of science, as well as the study of the academic research system in Europe, will contribute to the development of interdisciplinary studies and the establishment of a strong research organisation in Ukraine, enhancing the research capacity of representatives of the academic community and the quality of research.

Project duration:  01.12.2022 – 01.12.2023 

Project results: 

1. Developed two educational modules (creating educational and methodological materials) within the integrated course "Enhancing Empirical Academic Research in Ukraine", namely:

2. Developing a brochure (leaflet) with the most important aspects within each module, placing the brochure in the Zenodo general-purpose open repository.

3. Conducting three training sessions for the course (both modules combined in each session, each session containing 60 hours of contact classes (30 classes for each module)).

According to the results of the competition, the manual "Promoting the Development of Empirical Academic Research in Ukraine" took first place in the "Teaching Manual" nomination in the Best Edition of 2023 competition.

Project page on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100088959252727

Project course page https://canvas.instructure.com/courses/6011461

Project handbook https://zenodo.org/record/7817137

Категорія проекту

Development of resilience of first-level higher education students in the context of military conflict in Ukraine


Project title: Development of resilience of first-level higher education students in the context of military conflict in Ukraine

Project coordinator/s:  Hanna Afuzova

Project goal: To Increase the level of resilience of first-year students in conditions of military aggression in order to preserve their mental health

Project duration:  01.12.2022 – 01.12.2023 

Project results:

1. The program of psychological and pedagogical training to increase the level of resiliency of the first year students of the first degree of higher education in the conditions of military aggression. The programme is available in the guidelines  Методичні рекомендації з розвитку резильєнтності

2. Guidelines for psychological-pedagogical support of the first year students of a higher educational institution in the conditions of a military conflict through developing resiliency. They will include a program of psychological-pedagogical training and will be in free access.

3. Publications based on research results in professional editions. a) Afuzova Н.V., Naydоnova G.O., Krotenko V.I. Resilience as a factor of mental health preservation under martial law. Habitus. 2023. Issue 53. С. 100-104. http://habitus.od.ua/journals/2023/53-2023/16.pdf

b) Afuzova, H., Naydonova, G., & Krotenko, V. (2023). A study of Ukrainian first-year students' resilience at the stage of adaptation to training and professional activities under martial law. Studies in Comparative Education, (1), 4-13. https://doi.org/10.31499/2306-5532.1.2023.288413 

c) Afuzova Н.V., Naydоnova G.O., Krotenko V.I. Features of mental health of first-year students at the stage of adaptation to professional training under martial law. Habitus. 2022. Issue 41. С. 278-283. http://habitus.od.ua/journals/2022/41-2022/49.pdf. 

d) Afuzova H.V., Krotenko V.I., Naуdоnova H.O. Training as a means of developing the resilience of future specialists in the field of special and inclusive education. Scientific Journal of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 19. Correctional Pedagogy and Special Psychology. 2024. Issue 46

4. Material published in the blog of the European Educational Researchers Association.

5. Project implementation report.

6. Publication during the project implementation on the UERA website (in Ukrainian and English with relevant images / photos)

7) Creation of the Centre for Psychological Assistance and Social Adaptation of the Faculty of Special and Inclusive Education was initiated (Minutes of the meeting of the Academic Council of the FSIЕ of the Drahomanov Ukrainian State University No. 4 of 28 November 2023);

Категорія проекту

Ukrainian student in Europe and Ukraine: social adaptation of internally and externally displaced secondary school students in the conditions of war


Project title: Ukrainian student in Europe and Ukraine: social adaptation of internally and externally displaced secondary school students in the conditions of war

Project coordinator/s:  Olena Kovalchuk 

Project goal: To investigate the problems of integration of displaced schoolchildren in secondary education institutions in Ukraine and EU countries (Poland, Germany, France) in conditions of military aggression

Project duration:  01.12.2022 – 01.12.2023 

Project results:

1. Analysis of transcripts of interviews with displaced persons (parents and children) and teachers of secondary education institutions in Ukraine and EU countries (Poland, Germany, France) with conclusions and comparison of methods of adaptation of schoolchildren

2. Developed recommendations on the dissemination of positive practices in working with displaced schoolchildren are included in the article based on the results of the conducted research.

3. The results obtained at the International round table of the UERA on October 25, 2023 with the participation of UERA's members and representatives of education management were disseminated.

4. A dialogue was established between representatives of national associations of education researchers during the participation in the EERA-ECER international conference August 22-25, 2023 Poland, Germany, France (members of EERA).

Категорія проекту