The aim of the UERA
The aim of the UERA is to promote the development of scientific competence of the researchers in Education field, to raise the quality of educational research in order to influence the educational system and the society, to exercise and defend the rights and freedoms, meet professional, scientific, social and cultural interests of the Association members.
The UERA objectives are to:
- build a nation-wide viable research organisation established by the members for the members;
- advance empirical, data-driven educational research in Ukraine;
- promote inter-disciplinary;
- expand the field of ‘pedagogy’ through engagement with the schools of ‘action research’, ‘lesson study’, ‘evidence-based pedagogy’ and others;
- promote critical dialogue, feedback and accountability between researchers, institutions and a wider society;
- contribute to professional development and research-capacity building of its members and member higher education establishments/ organisations;
- facilitate networking between educational researchers in Ukraine and abroad;
- create an infrastructure for sustained partnerships and collaboration amongst higher education establishments in the country and abroad;
- provide a critical, data-driven input to policy debate in the form of roundtable discussions, policy briefs, literature review, research papers and policy recommendations, etc;
- disseminate research findings and promote policy dialogue through a new peer-reviewed Journal ‘UERA’s Papers in Education’
To reach this goal the Association is dedicated to fulfill the following activities:
- to carry out the research action in the field of Education;
- to promote interdisciplinary cooperation of researchers in the field of Education;
- to involve experts and alumni of international programs for raising the competence of researchers in the field of Education;
- to integrate individual researchers and education research networks for the participation in interdisciplinary research projects in Ukraine and abroad;
- to organize Educational conferences, seminars, trainings, round tables, summer/winter schools and other forms of knowledge exchange and construction;
- to publish a scientific peer-reviewed journal;
- to support the Association members in publishing their research results in international peer-reviewed journals for the improvement of Ukrainian scientific research publications in the field of Education;
- to assist young Ukrainian researchers of Education in their professional development.