Project title: Formation of transversal competences of higher education students of the third (educational and scientific) level in the context of the development of an innovative educational environment by means of distance learning
Project coordinator/s: Maryna Boichenko
Project goal: To design methodology for forming transversal competences of post-graduate students for developing an innovative educational environment by means of distance learning
Project duration: 01.12.2022 – 01.12.2023
Project results:
1. The methodology of formation of transversal competences of postgraduate students has been developed and
theoretically substantiated.
2. A diagnostic toolkit was developed – questionnaires using Google forms:;;;;;;
3. Diagnostics of the formation of transversal competences was conducted, which involved 130 students of the third level of education of all courses and all specialties who study at Sumy Makarenko State Pedagogical University.
4. Two scientific schools for postgraduate students were held.
5. A scientific conference was held.
6. A briefing was held with postgraduate students based on the results of the project.