
У Болонському процесі немає довіри до росії і білорусі

During the meeting of the Bologna Follow-Up Group on 11-12 April 2022, it was decided to suspend the right of representation of the Russian Federation and Belarus in the Bologna Process, as well as in the working groups, all other structures, and the work programme of European Higher Education Area.

The basis for the decision was the relevant statement signed by 39 governmental, 6 advisory members of the Bologna Process, and representatives of the European Higher Education Quality Assurance Register.

Occupied but not conquered: education in occupied cities

Робота Софії Красулі

As researchers, we have to be guided by reliable information. For the Ukrainian Educational Research Association, such information is the testimony of our members - those educators who are in the temporarily occupied territories, particularly in Melitopol and Kherson.

War stories of UERA members

On 25 March, Oksana Zabolotna, President of UERA, addressed the Council of the European Educational Research Association with a presentation on the situation in Ukraine. She presented it through the prism of stories of UERA members living in different regions of Ukraine. The report presented the results of the survey of the association members.


UERA Open Letter about War in Ukraine

Dearest members of the Ukrainian Educational Research Association,

Hope you are safe and that this senseless and terrible war has not taken any of your dearests.

Informing the world academic community about the current situation in Ukraine we have sent a letter to the President of European Educational Research Association Joe O'Hara and 38 EERA Member associations.