Project title: Information hygiene as a component of the formation of a safe educational environment at school
Project coordinator/s: Taisiia Ratushna
Project goal: To implement information hygiene practices (tools and methods for enhancing critical thinking, conscious consumption of media materials, and verification of information) in the educational process in schools to ensure a safe educational environment.
Project duration: 01.01.2023 – 30.06.2023
The group project "Information Hygiene as Formation Component of Safe Educational Environment in School" was implemented by members of the Association, Associate Professors of the Zaporizhzhia National University Taisia Ratushna, Yulia Pryimak and Oleksandra Sorokina.
At the project's first milestone, the research team conducted a two-part sociological survey that combined qualitative and quantitative sociological data collection strategies. At the first stage, two series of expert interviews with teachers of secondary schools in the city of Zaporizhzhia were conducted (23 interviews). At the second stage, an expert online survey (February 2023) participated 68 teachers of secondary schools of the city of Zaporizhzhia and the Zaporizhzhia region.
The data obtained helped the researchers: 1) to find out the attitude of teachers toward the benefits and challenges of distance learning based on their subjective vision of the situation and personal experience; 2) to identify the main challenges teachers face during distance learning; 3) to identify the needs of teachers in mastering digital and media skills; 4) to analyze the practices of creating a comfortable and safe educational environment in schools.
Based on the results of the sociological research, team created informational materials for teachers: a training program and a poster for distribution in schools and social media.
With the aim of sharing information about the research results in the academic environment, project participant Taisia Ratushna published two scientific articles. The article "Distance Learning and Safety of the Educational Environment: Teachers' Point of View" was published in the first issue of the Meeting New Challenges in Education working paper series at Nottingham Trent University (UK) in May 2023. The article "Educational Environment of Distance Learning: the Role of Media Literacy and Digital Skills of Teachers" was published in the Ukrainian professional magazine "Habitus" in June 2023.
As element of the project implementation, on June 19 and 20, 2023, Yulia Pryimak and Oleksandra Sorokina held two training sessions with teachers of secondary schools in the city of Zaporizhzhia: Zaporizhzhia Gymnasium №103, Zaporizhzhia Gymnasium №49, Zaporizhzhia Gymnasium №80, Zaporizhzhia Gymnasium №27. The meeting focused on media literacy, critical thinking, and security in the information environment. In particular, attention was paid to the issue of confidentiality in the information space, safety, avoiding cyberbullying and the role of teacher in this process.
The project team has also prepared a publication for the European Educational Research Association blog and presented a report at the Annual Conference of the UERA on June 29, 2023.
Project results:
1. Report on the results of a sociological survey (presentation).
2. Training program "The role of information hygiene in creating a safe educational environment at school" for schoolteachers.
3. Photo and video materials confirming the training.
4. Links to publications about the project on social media.
5. A scientific article in a professional journal based on the survey.
1. Ратушна Т. О. Освітнє середовище дистанційного навчання: роль медіаграмотності та цифрових навичок вчителів. Науковий журнал «Габітус». 2023. № Випуск 48. C. 37-42. URL:
2. Ratushna T. Distance Learning and Safety of the Educational Environment: Teachers' Point of View. Working Paper Series ‘Meeting New Challenges in Education’ (MNCE). Nottingham Trent University. Issue 1, May 2023. P. 22-27. URL :
6. Poster layout on the project topic.
7. Material published in the blog of the European Association of Educational Researchers
8. Project implementation report.
- Publication during the project implementation on the UAEA website (in Ukrainian and English + relevant images/photos)