The Toledo Guiding Principles on Teaching about Religions and Beliefs in Public School translated inton Ukrainian

The practical experience of the European Union countries in the field of studying religions and beliefs, defining the place and role of faith, religious education, and moral and ethical principles gave rise to the formulation of new conceptual foundations for teaching religious disciplines in educational institutions. The document that regulates this area of education, the Toledo Guiding Principles on Teaching about Religions and Beliefs in Public Schools, deserves special attention of modern researchers. It addresses a wide range of issues related to the organization and practice of teaching religions and worldview subjects in educational institutions in Western Europe.
The translation of the text of the Toledo Guidelines for the Teaching of Religions and Beliefs in Public Schools from English into Ukrainian, performed with the support of European Educational Research Association in 2023, introduces the document into scientific circulation and creates conditions for its dissemination in the Ukrainian-speaking professional environment. European integration as a strategic goal of Ukraine makes it important to borrow the unique experience of European education in the field of studying religions and beliefs and use it in the Ukrainian educational space.

The translation was performed by PhD in Pedagogy Yuriy Taraban.

Information about the translator:

Yuriy Taraban (Father George) is the secretary of the Sumy Eparchy, archpriest.

In 2020, he defended his dissertation "Organizational and Pedagogical Foundations of Theological Education at German Universities" (011 Educational, Pedagogical Sciences).

His supervisor is Alina Sbruieva, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy.


Original text - "Toledo Guiding Principles on Teaching about Religions and Beliefs in Public Schools"

Ukrainian translation - «Керівні принципи Толедо щодо викладання питань релігій та переконань у державних школах»