Ukrainian Educational Research Association has started All-Ukrainian Teaching and Learning Survey (based on TALIS methodology). The project is to be realised between February 1 and August 31, 2017. It addresses principals and teachers of comprehensive schools as a part of the Teacher Project.
It is supported by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Ministry letter “About the survey” №1/9-64 dated 07.02.2017). The survey uses the TALIS (Teaching and Learning International Survey) tools (2013 edition). Ukrainian survey will reach 4000 teachers and 200 school principals from 200 comprehensive schools located in all the regions of Ukraine selected by representative sampling.
OECD has been conducting TALIS since 2008 every 5 year period. 34 countries participated in 2013 survey and the number of participants is increasing.
We know that effective teaching and teachers are key to producing high-performing students. So how can countries prepare teachers to face the diverse challenges in today’s schools?
The OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) helps answer this question. TALIS asks teachers and schools about their working conditions and the learning environments. It covers important themes such as initial teacher education and professional development; what sort of appraisal and feedback teachers get; the school climate; school leadership; and teachers’ instructional beliefs and pedagogical practices.
TALIS provides cross-country analysis that helps countries identify others facing similar challenges and learn about their policies.
TALIS results are published in the form of an international report, interactive database, individual country notes and thematic reports (
The project coordinators are – Prof. Svitlana Shchudlo, Doctor of Sociology, Prof. Oksana Zabolotna, Doctor of Pedagogy, Docent Tetiana Lisova, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics.
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