UERA members' projects

Displaced Universities Road Map


Team of the project

Project Lead:

Mariia Vitrukh (MPhil, University of Cambridge, UK)

Project Manager:

Olga Mun (Research Trainee, University of Cambridge, UK)

Project Advisor:

Anna Kutkina (PhD candidate, Comparative Politics researcher of the University of Helsinki/ Aleksanteri Institute, Helsinki, Finland)

Project Description:

Since 2014, when a military conflict broke out in eastern Ukraine (Donetsk and Luhansk regions), many higher education and research institutions from the conflict zone have been relocated to other regions of Ukraine. The Ministry of Education and Science has evacuated 16 universities and 10 research institutes and the future of these institutions remains unclear.

This exploratory project is aimed at identifying the needs of Ukrainian universities relocated from eastern Ukraine, developing a Road Map for participating universities and preparing policy recommendations for the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

The project will start with a needs assessment component. A group of USG alumni will then contribute to developing a Road Map in collaboration with participating universities. Workshops for 15 university administration and faculty members will address the following topics:

  • organizational priorities and capacity building;
  • resources mobilization,
  • fundraising,
  • project proposal writing,
  • grant management.

All the information about the project will be available online. Expected outcome of the project is to ensure greater understanding among Ukrainian citizens of problems faced by Displaced Universities. Policy memo will be submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science and to international organizations.


As far as reporting goes, I would like to say that we did a good job.

Категорія проекту