
War … Education: Complex Syntax or Prepositions Do Matter

Ukrainian Educational Research Association is doing her best to deliver information from Ukraine to the world.

On May 17, the UERA President prof. Oksana Zabolotna gave a CERC talk (CERC stands for Comparative Education Research Center of the University of Hong Kong) as part of the cycle of Post-Soviet Studies with Anatoly V. Oleksiyenko. 

The talk drew the attention of people from different countries: China, Indonesia, Lithuania, Poland, and others.

The talk concerned the following ideas:

Education and educators at war: a roundtable discussion

On 05 May 2022, the international round table 'Education and Educators at War' was held to identify the specifics of different models of adaptation of teachers and educational institutions to war conditions, and to identify effective tools to help Ukrainian educators cope with the difficulties of wartime.

The round table was organised by Drogobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, represented by the Chair of Law, Sociology, and Political Science together with the Ukrainian Educational Research Association. The event was initiated by Professor Svitlana Shchudlo.

Education of Ukrainian children in Lithuania: searching solutions?

On 28 April 2022, an educational forum on "Education of Ukrainian children in Lithuania: finding research-based solutions" was held (online format) with the participation of 75 Lithuanian and Ukrainian researchers, analysts, representatives of schools dealing with primary, basic and secondary education programmes, representatives of municipal education units and education centres, teachers, representatives of non-formal education institutions. The event was organised by the Lithuanian Education Research Association and co-organised by the Ukrainian Education Research Association.

Education of Ukrainian children in Lithuania: searching solutions

28 квітня 2022 року о 15.00 відбудеться освітній форум на тему "Освіта українських дітей у Литві: пошук рішень на основі досліджень"

Ми запрошуємо до участі українських представників науки, дослідників, докторантів, аналітиків, представників шкіл, що займаються програмами початкової, базової та середньої освіти, представників муніципальних освітніх підрозділів та регіональних центрів освіти, вчителів, представників закладів неформальної освіти, всіх, кому небайдужа доля українських дітей та перемога України у війні.