We invite you to join UERA

Dear fellow educators! If you are conducting research in the field of education and interested in scientific communication, we invite you to join our scientific research community - the Ukrainian Educational Research Association.
Our mission is to promote research expertise of the researchers in the field of education and improve the quality of educational research to help it influence our education and society.
For membership and registration, please read the UERA Charter, mission, UERA members’ rights and responsibilities, and complete the registration form on the UERA website. Our yearly membership fee is 150 hryvna.
UERA Board will review your application and after the admission we will send you the certificate confirming your membership in the Association.
The membership fee covers your participation in the UERA events during 2017, access to the UERA and EERA (European Educational Research Association) resources, including the use of SAGE scientific journals, UERA website resources, and the reduced payment for the UERA conferences.
Payment details:
NGO Ukrainian Educational Research Association / ГО «Українська асоціація дослідників освіти», ЄДРПОУ 40177327, р/р 26001187777777 у ПАТ КБ "ПРИВАТБАНК" (МФО 325321). Please, specify the purpose of payment (e.g. your name and surname 2017 membership fee).

We invite you to join UERA for interesting and productive cooperation!